Make a Dog's Life
This is a cause very special to our hearts. We see and hear of dogs abandoned for not being special or good enough! We pick a few such dogs and change their world for the better.
We are also witness to the struggles these dogs are subjected to. The trauma leaves behind scars in their beautiful souls. For no fault of theirs, they struggle with these till the end of their lives, often by way of behavioral anomalies.
When humans can heal out of their trauma in life, why not these animals? We have qualified animal healers in our team who will work on healing them. It’s possible that these dogs have not been socialized with dogs or humans appropriately. They will be exposed to many dogs and people through their stay at Petspace. They may not have lived in homes, so they may not be potty trained or can walk on a leash. We will have behavioral experts work with the dog to ensure that they understand the rules of the human world and find it easy to integrate into loving homes in the future.
We will take care to ensure they are vaccinated, sterilized and receive appropriate medical treatment.

What you get:
The adopter gets a dog that will easily fit into their house-hold with minimal effort from their side.
What you give:
We only request the adopter to pay it forward by sponsoring some of the expenses for another such dog in our care.